
Traditional Banh Mi

Traditional Banh Mi

17,50 RM



If you’ve been to Vietnam, or a place with a vibrant Vietnamese community like the US or Australia, chances are you have tried and fell in love with Banh Mi.

It’s a well loved Vietnamese street food which has evolved into countless variations reflecting the preferences and ingredients of the many places it’s landed. Wherever you are, it all starts with an airy, light and lightly toasted Vietnamese baguette (‘Banh Mi’ literally means ‘bread’ in Vietnamese), with a crust so thin it shatters into a million pieces as you sink your teeth into it.

Typically, you will find an ensemble of protein, greens and sauces/spreads tucked inside, with each component playing its role in elevating the whole into a perfect symphony of complementary tastes and textures.

At Pho King, our signature Banh Mi is our Traditional Banh Mi. We pack it with flavouful slices of poached cooked pork belly and Vietnamese ham. Next, we spread a generous layer of our homemade Vietnamese pork liver pate on one side and creamy house mayonnaise on the other. Crisp, tart and sweet Vietnamese pickles help to balance the richness of the meat and pate while herbs and greens provide crunch, freshness and even more flavour. We finish off with sliced red chillies and a squeeze of Sriracha for a spicy kick.

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